First of all, I was blown away by the band performance Friday night! I gave my typical first performance speech when I tell the students "rule number one is DON'T STOP". About 30 seconds in to the performance the lights suddenly went out and to the amazement of everyone there the band kept marching and playing. I think they even played a little bit stronger when they heard the audience cheering and all of the cell phones lighting up. If you were there for this performance you witnessed something truly amazing. You can only learn this in marching band!
The Big Change: First, I apologize for the changes. The hurricane days have thrown everything off and I look forward to getting back to a normal schedule. Because they have moved the JV game to Monday, we are not going to be able to use the football field to practice which is very important considering we will run out of light (Ironic huh?). We are going to have our regular practice this Tuesday from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm during Freshman night. With that being said we are going to have an "open rehearsal" so parents can come out and watch the band practice and parents can go by your students classrooms and meet with teachers. Considering students have to be picked up from practice this should be very convenient and helpful. If you feel like you need your student there to meet with a specific teacher then email me and we can work out a window of time. Volunteering: We have been sending out our digital sign-ups for concessions and we have had low results. I feel like this may be a communication issues because I know how dedicated our parents have been in the past. Please help me communicate these needs to other band families if you have the means to do so. We do plan on texting our some of this information considering email may not be the most direct means of communicating these days. With that being said, please volunteer. Out football team is kicking butt and taking names which means the crowds are going to continue to grow. This is great for us because it means our sales will go up in the concession stand. Uniforms: We had several students who did not have TALL BLACK SOCKS. When we are getting into uniform the students must have on their spirit uniforms. This includes... Marching band shoes, tall black socks, light shorts (preferably blue), and the show/spirit shirt. The blue and orange shirts we use for practice are not part of the spirit uniform. Those shirts are to be worn at band practice. The spirit shirts are $15 each and practice shirts are $10. If the students have money from fundraising in their ledgers they can use it towards the spirit shirts. Monday JV: We need student and parent volunteers. Please look for the sign-up that was emailed out and we will text out to you. Fundraising: We are currently selling Worlds Finest Chocolate and we will continue the sale until we run out of supplies. Many of our students are actively selling but we have many who are not. This saves the parents money! For each box of chocolate sold the student will receive $30 towards their band fees. remember we are going to Ireland in 2021 for the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. Get those fees out of the way so fundraising can go towards the trip. Preparation Issues: By now, student should have everything they need. If they do not have everything they need they are dropping the ball and slowing down the process of learning the show and performances. Student who do not have these items will lose 3rd quarter and points will be deducted from each graded event. The philosophy behind this is " you can not show up to the job without the tools for the job". Student, if you walk in to my office and ask me for theses things in the 30 minute window practice to practice or the game I will not give you these items. I need my preparation time as well. Parents please do not plan to meet with me during this time as well. I can not get 150 students ready for practice and meet at the same time. I need to be able to do the best job as possible when it comes to teaching our great band. Winds and percussion should have: Lyre (winds only), flip folder, all of the music, practice shirts, spirit shirts, drill charts, 3 ring binder/page protectors for drill charts, tall black socks, and instruments needs such as drum sticks, reeds, valve oil etc... Dance should have: Practice shirts, spirit shirts, drill charts, 3 ring binder/page protectors for drill charts, gloves, shoes, show uniform, flag, pom poms, and makeup. To receive these items they must be paid for or have fundraising money in their student ledgers. If these items are not acquired by the students at this time they will lose points and 3rd quarter. This Week: Monday: JV Game... Need Student and Parent volunteers. Tuesday: Open rehearsal 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Remember all rehearsal are part of the student grading process. Freshman parents feel free to come out and watch rehearsal and visit with your students' teachers during this time. I think you will be impressed with how we do what we do! Wednesday: Open Thursday: Band Practice 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Drum line Pit, and Dance rehearsal 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Friday: Home Game V.S. George Jenkins... Report time 5:30 pm Pizza for students who prepay will be served at 4:30. Need Parent Volunteers! This will be a big game! Saturday: Open.
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AuthorJon Eckman Archives
September 2021